Do you think begonias are a hit with hummingbirds?

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There's a bit of a debate on this one, with some folks saying no and others saying yes. While I'm not totally convinced they're attracting hummingbirds, it's still pretty cool to see these flowers in bloom! They're not the typical tubular flowers that produce nectar, like trumpet flowers, bee balm flowers, and cardinal flowers. The wonderful Begonia boliviensis does not have that type! The great thing about begonia is that they can attract other pollinators like bees and butterflies, which are really beneficial to your garden!

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Yes, they do. It is a magnet for hummingbirds and a beacon for other pollinators, such as beautiful butterflies.

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It's no surprise that hummingbirds are drawn to bright colors like orange and red. This beautiful plant is no exception — they just can't get enough of it!

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